Process of video creation

The creation of MOOC lecture videos always seems to be a daunting task for instructors. The process of video creation involves three phases: Pre-recording planning, Actual Audio-video Recording, and Post-production.

To create short simple videos, a MOOC instructor only requires a few ancillary tools/software along with a laptop/desktop. Here is some brief information on tools that you can use to record your own MOOC videos.

Pre-recording (Planning):
In the majority of videos, MOOC instructors use presentations for conveying their thoughts to the audience. A well-designed presentation establishes affinity with the learners and conveys a professional image of the MOOC instructor. While PowerPoint is the most common presentation software, several other software have been developed for creating engaging presentations. You can learn about some of these software in this article.

Audio-Video Recording (Production) and Editing (Post Production):
There are many simple, Free and Open Source Software as well as some Freemium software that can be used by instructors for recording and editing their LeDs. Some of them have their mobile applications as well although it is recommended to use the desktop/laptop for finesse. Here is a list of software used for audio/video recording and editing as a quick reference.

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