Expert Insights

A couple of MOOCs offered on SWAYAM have integrated some or all of the LCM components. The instructors of the MOOCs share with us their journey of LCM-ifying the course and provide advice for future MOOC developers.

Case Study 1a: Prof. Mandar Bhanushe

Prof. Mandar Bhanushe, faculty from the University of Mumbai University, India, and  instructor of a MOOC titled ‘Topology’ offered on SWAYAM makes strategic use of LCM elements. In this interview, he shares insights and challenges into the integration of LCM components into the MOOC on Mathematics.

Case Study 1b: Prof. Tejinder Pal Singh

Prof. Tejinder Pal Singh, faculty from Panjab University, Chandigarh, India, and course instructor of a MOOC titled ‘ Digital Marketing’ offered on SWAYAM and a MOOC titled ‘Introduction to Social Media Marketing’ offered on CoL makes extensive use of  Learning Dialogues (LeDs), Learning by Doing activities (LbDs)  In this interview, he shares his experience of integrating LCM components into the MOOC. 

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