Creation of Text based LeDs

Creation of Text based LeDs

Inclusion of interactive content in an online course can create a dynamic and engaging learning experience. The Learner-Centric MOOC Model prescribed creation of Learning Dialogues (LeDs) having well designed reflection spots. Interactions with the reflection spots facilitate concept acquisition. As seen in LeD2.5a and LeD2.5b can be created using different mediums ex: podcasts (Sample Podcast), text etc.

This Text based Learning Dialogue (LeD) is in the form of an interactive webpage and includes the following:

  • What is an interactive webpage?
  • Why and when to create LeDs using interactive webpages?

Instructions: To effectively utilize this page, learners are advised to read through the contents attentively. Engage with the interactive features whenever necessary, and don’t hesitate to hover over underlined words to reveal their meanings. Ponder on the questions posed in the reflection spots and after responding, click on the icon or scan the QR code to reveal the potential answers. Keep in mind that certain words are hyperlinked to additional online resources for further reference.

What is an interactive webpage?

An interactive webpage in the context of learner-centric MOOCs, is a page having content structured as an LeD with reflection spots at strategic points. These reflection spots as explained in LeD provide learners with the opportunity to express prior conceptions or perform micro-practice. Carefully designed reflection spots have shown to improve learner engagement (Shah et al. 2022).

From a technological angle, interactive features that could be added to a webpage range from simple to complex. Simple additions include, pop-up with further details, linking sections on the page to facilitate navigation, hyperlinking words to resources, among others. Certain tools offer complex functionalities, like drop down sections on clicking, autocorrect features, and embedding widgets, among others.

In comparison to videos, interactive pages are:

  • More accessible in low-bandwidth and slower connectivity.
  • More accessible to learners with hearing impairments.
  • Easily downloadable. However, some of the interactive features for example, in interactive webpage may not function in the downloaded versions.

In addition, the textual content on interactive pages make it more searchable. Learners can go through and process the content at their own pace. The interactive features in pages facilitates navigation. Learners have the possibility of seamlessly accessing specific sections, engaging with multimedia content, and checking their understanding.

From an instructor’s perspective, creating quality textual LeD can be more cost-effective than producing high-quality video LeD. Drafting text requires less specialized technical skills than creating videos. It can also be easily edited and updated as opposed to videos.

Why and when to create LeDs using interactive web pages?

With interactivity, the passive act of merely consuming content becomes an active and participatory journey. Interactive pages provide learners more control, flexibility, and ownership of their learning. To understand which content is best suited for interactive pages as opposed to aother media, let us explore various types of interactivity.

A] Interactivity for Learning:

It allows learners to interact and manipulate components and then draw conclusions. For instance,

Example 1:

Interact with the embedded GeoGebra, observe and draw at least one conclusion on the sum of the measures of the interior angles.

Example URL:

Example 2:

Perform this experiment to find out the presence of the adulterant ‘Metanil Yellow’ in jaggery.

Example URL:

  1. Select jaggery from the icons provided.
  2. Then, add distilled water to the test tube containing the food sample by clicking and dragging the water bottle to the test tube.
  3. Let the test tube containing sample rest still till the timer stops.
  4. Click and drag the dropper towards the test tube to add conc.HCl to the test tube.
  5. Based on your observation, indicate the presence of Metanil yellow in the jaggery by clicking on the ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

Such dynamic multimedia visualizations and simulations in virtual labs replicate real labs/scenarios enabling learners to practice particular concepts.

B] Interactivity for Practice:

Learners could be provided with advice or clues to assist them in answering the learning by doing activities. For instance, learners solve various interactive activities to practice their understanding of forms of money.

Example URL:

After answering these Check-for-understanding questions, the answers could be revealed using for example the auto-correct features. Providing immediate feedback facilitates self-correction and reinforces correct understanding.

Example URL:

Thus, when learners need to revisit specific parts of the content and simultaneously interact with the content for learning or practice, interactive pages can be created. Considering the previously stated benefits, course creators would need to factor in the nature of the content, learning preferences as well as issues of access and inclusion when choosing the medium for the content.

Take a few minutes now to reflect on the interactivity used in this Text based LeD.

Reflection Spot 2

This Text based LeD includes interactive features like bookmarks, links to external sources, and collapsible text. This webpage lacks features like auto-correct.

To summarize, LeDs in the form of interactive web pages, enable learners to interact with the content and reflection spots are their own page. In addition to carefully designing reflection prompts, the webpage can include features like hyperlinks, search function, embedded widgets among others to enhance the interactivity.

Do try creating these LeDs using interactive texts and let us know your experience. Share your learner-centric content in this form.

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