Creation of audio based LeD

Creation of audio based LeD


The following podcast is an example of an interactive podcast. We would suggest you listen to it on the Spotify Mobile app with your registered account to use the interactive features. Click or scan the QR code with your phone. It is suggested that you listen to the Podcast before you read the instructions given below. 

Below are details of different tools and software that can be used to record and edit podcasts. There are also some references on how to record a podcast at home as well as some examples of educational podcasts. 


  • Tools for recording and editing

Tools given below are inbuilt tools of Windows and MacOS. These tools you can use to record your audio.

After recording your podcast you need to edit it.  Audacity is a well-established tool which is free and open source. It is also available for multiple platforms such as Windows and MacOS. Along with editing, Audacity can be used to record as well. 


  • How to record?

If you do not have access to any professional studios, you can record the audio at your home. You only need to keep in mind a few simple instructions, which you can read in this article by the University of California, Santa Cruz


  • Examples of Popular Educational Podcasts

Here are some examples of a few known educational podcast channels. 

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